Kogan Health Insurance Review

Read Here for Our Kogan Health Insurance Review:
Kogan is one of Australia’s leading online shopping providers and a recent addition to the insurance market. Today, Kogan health insurance offers some of the most uncomplicated covers while still having excellent quality.
Kogan Health Insurance Membership Features
Being a holder of a Kogan health insurance policy can have some good benefits, such as:
- Loyalty rewards: Kogan hospital covers also include extras covers. Staying with Kogan can get you higher extras limits.
- Customer’s choice: You can get your benefits from a wide range of medical and extras providers.
- Dental benefits: You get no-gap dental checks if you have an insurance policy with this provider. Take note, however, that this only applies to some dentists.
Kogan Health Insurance Products
Kogan health insurance policies are among the most uncomplicated health cover products you can get. Kogan’s policies are offered in partnership with the Australian Health Management Group (AHM).
Kogan has a good selection of health insurance products. However, Kogan hospital covers and extras covers are weaved into one. These products are the following:
- Starter Flexi Basic
The most basic level of Kogan hospital cover is Starter Flexi Basic. This level is perfect for individuals who are still young and in good health.
The Starter Flexi Basic covers expenses on hospital treatments. Also included are services generally covered by extras by other insurance providers, such as dental.
- Essentials Flexi Basic Plus
The Australian government has minimum requirements regarding tiered ratings for insurance policies. This level has all of these requirements, enough to earn the “basic” rating. This level includes rehabilitation, hospital psychiatric services, and palliative care.
Essentials Flexi Basic Plus includes other services like hernia and appendix, and tonsil, adenoids, and grommets. Dental surgeries and joint reconstructions are inclusions as well.
- Lite Flexi Bronze Plus
This level of cover fulfils all the requirements to attain a bronze rating. Some services included in the bronze category are diabetes management, chemotherapy, gynaecology, pain management, ENT, and many more.
Other Lite Flexi Bronze Plus services include dental surgery, lung and chest, and back, neck, and spine treatments.
- Classic Flexi Silver Plus
Kogan hospital covers and extras have two choices for silver ratings, and this is one of them. The Classic Flexi Silver Plus is perfect for couples that aren’t about to start building a family, but it is also great for families that are already complete.
Silver ratings include services like heart and vascular system, blood, plastic and reconstructive surgery, hearing devices, and more. Aside from the silver rating, this level also includes dental check-ups.
- Deluxe Flexi Silver Plus
Deluxe Flexi Silver Plus is great for completed families and couples that are already quite advanced in age. Those with existing and chronic health conditions will also find this level to be quite rewarding.
It features all the clinical categories required for a silver rating. However, it comes with a few more features in addition to the minimum requirements.
Hospital services for cataracts, insulin pumps, sleep studies, and kidney dialysis are included. Also, this level features loyalty bonuses, which are quite enticing to some clients.
Take Advantage of Comparison Sites to Compare Health Insurance Policies
Kogan health insurance products are great but are by no means the only ones you should consider. If you’re looking for health insurance, why not use a comparison site to find other possible good deals?
A comparison site like Makes Cents can help you find the insurance policy that fits you best. Make sure you don’t just go for the first one you find. Consider all your options carefully — this is for your health and safety, after all.v
Our Kogan Health Insurance Review is just one of many. You can also read many more Health Insurance Reviews at MakesCents.