How to Ask Your Parents to Go Guarantor on Your Home Loan

How to Ask Your Parents to Go Guarantor on Your Home Loan
This is a huge ask, when you think about it. You are asking your parents to put up their own home as security to guaranty that you can make the repayments on your home loan.
This is our attempt to help you on How to Ask Your Parents to Go Guarantor on Your Home Loan:
Initial Checklist:
- Make sure they are in a good mood and stress is at the lowest point possible.
- Attempt to ask them on a weekend or a non-working day as they're likely more relaxed and family focussed
- Ask them after they've had a sentimental moment realising how much they love you and believe in your future
Mum, Dad, Can I ask you something that ive been thinking about for some time? It's the opportunity of purchasing my first home.
As you know, owning a home is a significant milestone in one's life and it's something that I have been working towards for a long time. I am excited about the prospect of having a place to call my own and to start building equity just like you both have all these years.
The thing i have been scared to ask you about is; the potential of you both going Guarantor on my Home Loan.
I understand that being a guarantor on a home loan comes with a certain level of risk, but I want to assure you that I have done my due diligence in researching the property and the loan, and I am confident in my ability to make the repayments on time.
I understand that you may have concerns about your own finances and the potential impact on them, but I want to assure you that by being a guarantor, you are not responsible for making any payments on the loan. Your role is simply to provide additional security for the loan, and in the event that I am unable to make the repayments, the lender will look to me first before turning to you.
In addition, I have researched the property market in the area where I am looking to purchase and have found that it is a stable market with good potential for growth. I have also spoken with a mortgage broker who has helped me to understand the different loan options available to me and has helped me to find a loan that is well suited to my needs.
I would be happy to provide you with more information about the property and the loan, and to answer any questions that you may have. I have also been talking to a licensed mortgage broker. I hope that after considering all of the information, you will feel comfortable supporting me in this important step towards achieving my dream of homeownership.
If this doesn't work, you could always offer to wash their cars every weekend for life, clean their home regularly, walk their dog, go on that camping holiday they've been begging you to go on for so long... We're out of ideas, your on your own!
If this fails, you need to speak to a mortgage broker about your options >