First Home Owners Grant: What to Know

The Australian Government’s First Home Owners Grant (FHOG) aims to help people buy their first home. This grant reduces the expenses on potential buyers and helps them out with their finances and home loans.
Of course, there are specific eligibility requirements and details that those interested in the grant should know.
Who is eligible for a First Home Owners Grant?
FHOG is available in all Australian territories. The requirements and specific details vary for each, but generally, the eligibility requirements are:
- Citizenship or residency: The grant has to be taken out by an Australian citizen or permanent resident at least 18 years old.
- Personal grant: The grant can only be taken out under an eligible person’s name. This means it cannot be named under a company, corporation, fund, or trust. Trustees with legal disabilities may be qualified.
- Occupancy requirements: The home must be occupied by at least one co-buyer in the first year of purchase. Also, there is a 12-month consecutive occupancy requirement for the home.
The following are conditions that disqualify potential buyers from a First Home Owners Grant:
- Previous ownership: The buyer, buyer’s spouse, and any co-buyers must not have lived in a self-owned residential property after July 2000.
- Prior relevant interest: Buyers, spouses, and co-buyers must not have owned and occupied relevant interest in Australia before July 2000. This means that the potential buyer or co-buyers must not have had a legal entitlement to residential property.
- Previous grant recipients: All claimants must not have received the grant from any Australian territory before applying.
What are the differences in each territory for the First Home Owners Grant?
As previously mentioned, each Australian territory has some differences with the details of the grant.
- Australian Capital Territory
All FHOG transactions in the ACT should have been done before June 2019. No further grants are given after that date.
In place of the FHOG, the ACT government has enacted the Home Buyer Concession Scheme. This removes all duty from the purchase as long as the buyer is under the minimum income limits. Take note that after July 1 2020, the concession cap has been set at $35,910.
Dependents (child/children) | Gross income |
0 | $160,000 |
1 | $163,330 |
2 | $166,660 |
3 | $169,990 |
4 | $173,320 |
5 or more | $176,650 |
- Northern Territory
Those eligible in NT can apply for the grant with a benefit of $10,000. Property value limits and income restrictions do not apply in the NT. However, do note that discounts on stamp duty are no longer available past June 2021.
- New South Wales
FHOG in NSW pays $10,000 to contribute to the home purchase price. For newly-built homes, townhouses, apartments, or condos, the cost must not exceed $600,000. For highly renovated homes, the cost must also not exceed $600,000.
On the other hand, for houses to be built on vacant land, the total cost must not be greater than $750,000.
Take note that stamp duty exemptions and discounts also exist:
- No stamp duty: New homes with values less than $650,000; vacant land with values less than $350,000.
- Discount: New homes with values between $650,000 and $850,000; vacant land with values between $350,000 and $450,000
- Victoria
Victoria’s FHOG also pays $10,000 and covers homes worth up to $750,000. Stamp duty exemptions and discounts exist for VIC, with the following requirements:
- No stamp duty: Homes with values less than $600,000.
- Discount: New homes with values between $600,001 to $750,000.
- Queensland
In QLD, FHOG pays $15,000 for eligible buyers with home purchase values less than $750,000. Stamp duty discounts will also receive a scaling discount for vacant land below $400,000 and homes below $550,000.
- Western Australia
WA’s First Home Owners Grant pays $10,000 like many other territories. However, unlike the others, purchase limits in WA differ based on location:
- North of 26th parallel: Land/building values under $1 million will be covered.
- South of 26th parallel: Land/building values under $750,000 will be covered.
Furthermore, homes below $430,000 are exempt from stamp duty, and those up to $530,000 will receive concessions. Vacant land values below $300,000 are also exempt, with concessions until values of $400,000.
- South Australia
In SA, homes with values up to $575,000 are eligible for the $15,000 payout of the FHOG. No stamp duty exemptions and discounts are available, however.
- Tasmania
First Home Owners Grant payouts are higher in TAS. For homes purchased between April 2021 and June 2022, the grant is $30,000. For those bought between July 2016 and March 2021, the grant is $20,000. Also, stamp duty discounts are available for homes worth below $500,000.
First Home Owners Grant Goes Well with Home Loans
While FHOG partially subsidises the cost, what about the rest? A home loan would be great for covering the rest of the expenses.
If it’s a home loan that you’re looking for, a comparison site like Makes Cents can help. With Makes Cents, you can see home loan options side-by-side, so you can compare and contrast before you decide. Try our comparison tool today!