Death Statistics in Australia

Death is inevitable. It is one of the few things that is constant in this world, yet the ways in which Australians are passing on are changing year after year. Suicide affects more young people each year, especially the Indigenous population. Australia’s population is ageing because of longer life expectancy and changing demographics. The Death Statistics in Australia are vitally important to know.
How Many Australians died in 2020?
The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) recorded 92,866 deaths from the beginning of 2020 to 25 August. This actual number is 2 per cent (around 2,000) lower than predicted based on the five-year history of deaths in the country. Lower numbers of deaths from respiratory illness made a huge impact on this number.
Deaths caused by non-respiratory illness are also lower by around 600 than predicted:
- Fewer people than predicted died from cancer and heart disease, two of the biggest killers in Australia.
- Deaths from stroke and other cerebrovascular diseases are a little higher than predicted. Suspected causes are undiagnosed COVID0-19 or people delaying treatment because of fear of visiting hospitals at that time.
- Deaths from dementia and “other” illnesses are lower than what was predicted.
- Deaths from diabetes are higher than predicted due to higher-than-expected deaths in April, possibly from undiagnosed COVID-19.
How Many Australians Die Every Year?
The ABS recorded 169,301 deaths in Australia, higher by 6.8 per cent than in 2018. Male deaths account for approximately 52 per cent or 88,346. According to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, that is because men are more likely to be without a home. Often, men are the ones who live dangerously and are more likely to die from heart disease and other leading causes of death. Therefore, men are more likely to die at a younger age than women.
The highest fatality rate in 2019 is on those people between the ages of 80 and 90. Mortality risk usually declines after birth before it increases slowly again over time. Australia has extremely low infant mortality – at three deaths for every 1,000 live births.
Between January and February 2021, the ABS recorded 21,720 deaths. That is 831 deaths or 4 per cent more than the 2015 to 2019 average. The daily death average in January and February 2021 is 368.1, compared to 366.6 in 2020.
Heart Disease is the Leading Cause of Death
Hearth disease is the number one cause of death in Australia, with dementia as a close second.
In 2019, 18,244 people died of ischaemic heart disease. That’s an average of 56 deaths for every 100,000 and accounted for 10.8 per cent of all deaths in the country. However, the ABS says that deaths from coronary heart disease have been declining over the last 10 years, while deaths from dementia have been rising significantly.
Meanwhile, a total of 15,016 people died from dementia in 2019. These deaths have increased by 66.8 per cent since 2010.
Intentional Self-Harm and Suicide Rates
Australia registered 3,318 suicide deaths in 2019. Male suicides account for 2,502, while female suicide death is significantly lower at just 816. Among the 3,318 total suicide deaths, 195 were Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders.
The median age of deaths by suicide in 2019 was 43.9 for men and 44 for women. However, the median age was noticeably lower for the Indigenous population – only 30.5 years for men and 27 years for women.
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